Pedi-padz II
The Only Full-Rescue AED with Intelligent Pediatric Capability
Plus� Intelligent Pediatric Capability includes voice and text prompts that tell rescuers that Pedi-padz� II are
connected, ensuring that the proper defibrillator
electrodes are being used. When a cardiac arrest occurs, the fact is that only half of the victims will need a shock. The other half requires
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Separate and specific
algorithms for adults and children are used to analyze a victim's heart rhythm.
The ZOLL AED Plus can
defibrillate children up to eight years of age, using the Pedi-padz II electrodes.
Separate energy levels also have been incorporated for pediatric patients. Electronics in the AED Plus adjust
defibrillating energy levels automatically so that suitable doses are delivered
accurately, when needed. With ECG analysis designed specifically for a pediatric heart rate, coupled with
appropriate defibrillation energy levels, the AED Plus Pedi-padz II electrodes are designed especially for use with the AED Plus, and are also compatible with professional defibrillators, allowing continuity of care. The AED Plus does not rely on a resistor or other hardware in the wires to reduce delivered energy. Anatomical diagrams on the package facilitate proper pad placement.
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